How can I track my order after it's been shipped?

After your order is shipped from Veinci, you'll receive an email with a tracking number. To track your order, simply go to the 'Track Order' page on our website and enter either your order number along with your email or phone number, or directly input the tracking number provided. Furthermore, while Veinci is not affiliated with ParcelsApp, many of our customers find it efficiently tracks our orders. You can use the tracking number in ParcelsApp for an additional way to follow your order's journey to you.

How long will it take for my jewelry to arrive?

Your Veinci jewelry will typically be shipped within 3 business days. For customers in the USA, the average delivery time is 7-16 days. For our global customers, orders generally arrive within the same timeframe, but please allow an additional 20-30 days in unforeseen circumstances. We strive to get your elegant selections to you as promptly as possible.

What if I provide an incorrect shipping address or my order is rejected upon delivery?

It's important to ensure that the shipping address provided at the time of your order is accurate. Veinci is not liable for orders not delivered due to incorrect addresses or rejected deliveries. In these cases, the responsibility lies with the customer. Please double-check your details when placing an order to ensure a smooth delivery process.

What should I do if my package is marked as delivered but I haven't received it?

In instances where your package is marked as delivered but hasn't been received, the responsibility to file a claim rests with the customer. We advise contacting the local logistic company that shipped your package to initiate a claim. Veinci recommends keeping a close eye on tracking updates for timely action in such situations.